Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sometimes you can tell that the day is going to be busy.

Sometimes you can tell that the day is going to be busy. Today was just such a day. It seemed  that from the time I punched in to work the hits just kept coming. It was a unusually busy day.

For lunch I usually bike, that did not happen. Now I am too exhausted to do anything but relax. I know that I added a few extra miles to my work day. I managed to go up and down several floors over and over trying to solve the worlds problems. Never did solve them. I do think that I managed to get buy until the morning though. I am waiting at home to see if I will really get called back to the hospital tonight for the conclusion of a procedure that is happening. Only time will tell.

I have been working at adding to my habits. I manage to bring two meals to work everyday. That would be breakfast and lunch. Not only is it a better choice of what is going into my body but it also helps the wallet. Just like going out and eating it can be expensive to eat in the cafeteria at work. Before bringing my food  I was spending about $76.00 at the cafeteria every two weeks. By bringing my food I have reduced that cost down to about $6.00 for the same amount of time. The best part is that the food that I bring many times is healthier for me.

Will be back on schedule with my biking and other exercises tomorrow. Hope you tune in and hear more about how my journey is taking shape.

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