Today I will be making Tomato Bisque. This is from a recipe that was found at The other thing that I will be focusing on is adding Chia seeds to my diet. They are very healthy and are part of the seven super foods that are also outlined at This is my first time with Chia seeds so I will not be eating any before tomorrow morning because the need to soak the seeds which I will let sit for 12 to 14 hours. They will be a great addition to the fruit that I will have for breakfast.
The other thing that I have been doing is increasing my exercise routines. I am doing such a variety of exercises that work on my entire body. I have been focusing on sit-ups, push-ups, and pull-ups (both over and underhand). I have also enjoyed much success with my biking. My focus on exercise can be seen by viewing "Daily Workout Routine" located to the right of this posting.
I started this blog in December of 2011. I have hit a few interesting milestones since then. During the month of February I had 103 visitor so bringing my all time total up to 280 visitors since my blog started. The other thing that I find exciting is that I had 20 visitors just yesterday, which is my all time high for a single day. I want to thank everyone that is reading and hope that you continue and that you encourage others to visit this site.
Take care until we meet again and keep smiling.
I was doing very well with fresh fruit until I moved here last June & had a banana fiasco, it went bad, I threw it in the trash as I'd normally do, but for some reason, in this new apt. though the trash can was the same, and clean with a bag in it, I ended up with millions of fruit flies that took months & numerous purchases to finally get rid of. Never had that problem in all my life of eating fresh fruit.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to hear more about how exactly you plan to use the fruit, and the seeds--how do they taste, what are they good for & with, etc. Just a basic idea--don't want to have to join 5 blogs to get the info separately. I've used flax seed myself, so am curious about this new seed type especially if it needs softening, have never heard of that.
Those blueberries would be great with some cream or milk in a bowl, or in cereal. The strawberries I eat straight, or dipped in bittersweet chocolate & then cooled on wax paper. Strawberries & bananas blended with some ice & a bit of milk makes a great tasting & filling taste treat of a shake. I love Kiwis also, and since I am basically lazy, I tend to want to process my fruit all at once when possible. So I'll wash, peel, slice & arrange all the fruit onto a platter with a cover, that I can then easily access when I crave sweets, instead of grabbing some quick sweet snack that's bad for me, the fruit is already to go & easy to grab & enjoy. I'll often eat it in place of the icecream & other calorie heavy, nutrient poor junk I tend to eat these days, now that I've moved away from fruit. Thanks to your blog & that photo especially, I can't wait to go to the store tomorrow & stock up on the fruit I've been missing for months.