Friday, March 16, 2012

Exercise and Martial Arts

Will be heading off to karate class in just a little bit.  There are several students that will be attending a tournament in Madison, Wisconsin on Sunday. I opted not to go this time but am looking forward to a time when I can go. What needs to be done is sparing just to ensure that everyone is ready of competing. Hope they all do well.

I have maintained a great work out schedule this week. I have also inspired others to take up some different exercise routines that the never thought of. One of the things that some of the guys at work are doing is using my pull-up bar.

This bar is not a fixed bar but rather handing from a chain. I challenge you to try it someday. You will find that it is more difficult to perform these exercises because of the movement of the bar. In fact I am able to do twice as many pull-ups on a fixed bar than a swinging one.

Also when doing pull-ups ensure that you keep your feet off of the ground and straighten your arms all of the way when at the bottom of the pull-up. This really works the arms. If you cannot do pull-ups with out touching the floor that is OK too. Either lower the bar so that you can push off of the ground or have a friend spot you until you can do at least one. In the army boot camp we would have to do I think twenty pull-ups before every meal. Those who struggled to do them had assistance form the person behind them in line. While hanging form the bar the assisting person would approach from behind and place their hands on the waist of the person on the bar. Then he would help lift that individual until all pull-ups were done.

Have problems with exercises, find a partner to train with. They can help you with the difficult exercises and motivate you when you need the motivation. Have a great weekend. Train safely and hard.

Cooking and Healthy Eating

So what is all the hype about kale? Why is it suppose to be good for you? I have plans of planting kale in my garden this year. I must know that I am making a wise decision because I will be planting a considerable amount that will last me for quite awhile. Since it will take up considerable space then I had better be sure.

I am finding that I should be considering to plant kale soon. This plant grows the best in cool weather. So far this spring we find ourselves, here in Wisconsin with warmer than usual temperatures. I think that it will be fine plant this weekend, unless the weather decides to change into something too wet and cold. I think that the ground is too warm for there to be any danger of it freezing.

So what about kale? What are the benefits of eating it? I have visited many sites that talk about kale and have found interesting information. One of the sites that I have visited is Here they talk about kale being packed with many vitamins including

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin B6
It is also packed with iron and anti-oxidants that help to fight cancer. It has proteins and other great nutrients. I highly recommend growing or at least buying fresh organic kale to add to your diner plate. 

Which kale is the best? That is to be determined by the consumers palette. I understand that the sweeter kale is the Scottish kale. That looks like what will be heading into my garden.

I hope you all take the time and consider kale when planning your meals and when planting your gardens. Find out what are the best growing conditions and grow some. While it is growing take the time to investigate several different recipes for preparing it. The best and most nutritious thing to do is eat it raw. Find good recipes and enjoy. Hopefully over time I can come up with ideas for preparing it that will be good tasting.   

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